Advantages of a Mini-Split System

A home addition is a great way to add some much-needed square footage for your family. One of the factors that is not talked about as much in building a home addition is the heating and cooling of the new space. One solution would be to install a mini-split system. Mini-split systems, sometimes referred to as split … Continue reading Advantages of a Mini-Split System

Exposed Beams — Trend or Timeless?

Exposed ceiling beams are a an interesting architectural feature that add a unique flair to any space. Have you been thinking of incorporating beams into your home decor, but you aren't sure if they will complement your design style? Ceiling beams are a popular home decor element in many homes today. They largely stem from … Continue reading Exposed Beams — Trend or Timeless?

Storage Solutions for a Bathroom Renovation

Does this sight look familiar? We can all imagine our bathrooms filled with products and other miscellaneous items that seem to make our countertops disappear. If this is the case, it may be time to consider alternative storage storage solutions for your bathroom renovation. Wall Storage Don't forget about the wall space! This is especially … Continue reading Storage Solutions for a Bathroom Renovation